Getting Even More From CryptoCoinMindSet
Last updated on November 1st, 2022 at 03:11 pm
Hi there… how is everybody doing today?
Here in the US, we’re getting deep into the summer… enjoying the weather, time with family and friends…
And if you’re not doing that… step away from your computer and go enjoy!
The good news is, even though you should get out there and enjoy life, you can still have access to all the latest happenings in the crypto space right on your phone … although, it’s probably a good idea to unplug … at least once in a while…
But, before I get to far off topic…
Where We’ve Been
So, what have we been doing?
Well, back in May, we put up a blog post, Get More From CryptoCoinMindSet. In that post, we told you about our vision for the direction for CryptoCoinMindSet.
Since that time, we’ve been posting a weekly news article to bring you some of the latest info from the cryptocurrency space.
We made some updates to our website.
We’ve added a new Welcome video which is prominently displayed on the homepage of our site. We’ve also added a VLOG page to our site so you can easily find our videos.
We made updates to our YouTube channel.
We’ve created a new Welcome video which is now visible to first time visitors to the channel. We’ve also re-structured our play lists to help you better find helpful information on a specific topic in one area.
All the while we’re still having so much fun in this space. We love the price action we’re seeing in the market, we are seeing more enthusiasm and people looking at Bitcoin and the crypto space in general then we’ve seen in a long time.
So, we feel that the time has come to take the next step in ramping this into a full time gig…
Our Vision Continues
As you know, back in May we added a Cryptocurrency News segment to our blog.
We did this to provide another access point for you to get the latest happenings within the space. As we mentioned then, there is no shortage of things going on… this space NEVER SLEEPS…
Until now we have been providing 1 news item weekly to help keep you up to date. While that was a big move for us, if we are going to continue with our vision, we have to continue ramping things up.
Starting this week, we will be increasing our Cryptocurrency News segment to include 2 news items each week
Now, you might be thinking that’s not a big change… there are still things happening all the time…
And, you would be correct.
However, while this may be a small move the grand scheme of things, it is a measured move for us.
As we also mentioned in our previous post, we will conduct ourselves with a self-imposed level of integrity that we hope will ultimately be seen throughout the space.
To that end, we feel that if we make a commitment to a certain course of action, we will do what we say.
So, to maintain this level of integrity, we don’t want to ‘bite off more than we can chew’.
Let’s Move Forward
While keeping up to date on the latest news in the space is important, it’s equally as important to have more in-depth information.
So, we will continue to bring you coin and technology info, project reviews and of course money making opportunities within the space.
We will also continue to share and interact with you on social media. You can find us on:
So to kick things off, we will continue with posting news items on Sunday, as that seems to be working out well.
To that schedule we will add our second posting on Wednesday.
Hopefully this will split the week well enough to keep you in the know.
Thank You
We want to take a moment to say “Thank You” to all of you. We appreciate your support!
Thank you for taking the time out of you day to visit our website, blog, social media and YouTube channel.
We appreciate all the questions, comments and Likes.
Please keep them coming!
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